Assistant Professor of Knowledge and Information Sciences
Department of Library and Information Sciences
School of Allied Medical Sciences
CV address:
The number of articles whose first author is this faculty member (based on Scopus)
The number of articles for which this member was the author (based on Scopus)
The number of citations each paper of this faculty member has received on average (based on Scopus)
The number of articles of this faculty member in Scopus that have at least one co-author with scientific affiliation outside country (based on Scopus)
The percentage of articles of the faculty member that have at least one co_author with affiliation outside the country
The percentage of citations that the affiliation of at least one of the authors of the cited article is from the same university
The Percentage of published articles in top 10% CiteScore journals
The percentage with at least 10 scientific in Scopus
Calculated based on Scopus articles
Calculated based on Scopus
Total citations received in Scopus
Total number of articles indexed in Scopus
No. | Title | authors | journal | published | SJR | cite score | cited by |
Row | title | author | University | Approval date | Termination date | Condition |